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MegaCynics: It Fixes Everything (Sep 19, 2012)
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It Fixes Everything

Today's comic is not based on reality. I've always been a big fan of giving people liquor for birthdays or special events (especially for last minute presents) and every once in a while I'll give someone a bottle of froofy flavoured liqueur just to smooth over a fight or argument we had (or just to score points). The United States DOES in fact have cookie dough flavoured vodka, and and plethora of other delicious flavours that are slowly turning me in to an alcoholic.... well more so than I already was I guess. :/

New Comic: It Fixes Everything

Today's comic is not based on reality. I've always been a big fan of giving people liquor for birthdays or special events (especially for last minute presents) and every once in a while I'll give someone a bottle of froofy flavoured liqueur just to smooth over a fight or argument we had (or just to score points). The United States DOES in fact have cookie dough flavoured vodka, and and plethora of other delicious flavours that are slowly turning me in to an alcoholic.... well more so than I already was I guess. :/



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