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MegaCynics: Turked (Jun 4, 2012)
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Today's guest comic is drawn by my good friend Geoff Adams (or "Pagz" as he's named in the comic). This is based off of a real conversation we had while watching on online movie review based around Disney movie deaths (by The Nostalgia Chick on When Disney's Tarzan was mentioned I said something to the effect of "Oh yeah! Tarzan! That had great animation... I wonder why I never watched it again after seeing it in theaters as a child?" and without missing a beat, Geoff replied, "Turk."

The rest of the conversation happened pretty much as you see it in the comic ;)

On an unrelated note, Geoff has been kind enough to put a roof over my head for the past few months while I got some travel plans and finances organized, and for that I'd like to say THANKYOUSOMUCHYOUSAVEDMYFUCKINGLIFE! <3

Enjoy the comic :)

New Comic: Turked

Today's guest comic is drawn by my good friend Geoff Adams (or "Pagz" as he's named in the comic). This is based off of a real conversation we had while watching on online movie review based around Disney movie deaths (by The Nostalgia Chick on When Disney's Tarzan was mentioned I said something to the effect of "Oh yeah! Tarzan! That had great animation... I wonder why I never watched it again after seeing it in theaters as a child?" and without missing a beat, Geoff replied, "Turk."

The rest of the conversation happened pretty much as you see it in the comic ;)

On an unrelated note, Geoff has been kind enough to put a roof over my head for the past few months while I got some travel plans and finances organized, and for that I'd like to say THANKYOUSOMUCHYOUSAVEDMYFUCKINGLIFE! <3

Enjoy the comic :)



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