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MegaCynics: I Think He Bought It (May 7, 2012)
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I Think He Bought It

Today's comic is not based off of any true instance... Steve does do many MANY cool things for me and does buy me things every now and then when he knows I must have something phenomenally cool but couldn't afford it unless I sold my kidney; but I have never gone as far as to use his credit card to purchase something myself.

I have, however, done this to a few of my boyfriends in the past.

They we about as impressed as you can imagine.

New Comic: I think He Bought it

Today's comic is not based off of any true instance... Steve does do many MANY cool things for me and does buy me things every now and then when he knows I must have something phenomenally cool but couldn't afford it unless I sold my kidney; but I have never gone as far as to use his credit card to purchase something myself.

I have, however, done this to a few of my boyfriends in the past.

They we about as impressed as you can imagine.



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