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MegaCynics: Dancing with the Death Stars (Apr 13, 2012)
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Dancing with the Death Stars

This comic is obviously inspired by the new Star Wars dance game (brought to you by the kinect), however it was written in its entirety by our good friend Marc Watson (@Marc_IRL on the twitters). Marc saw how terrible I am at writing comics and took pity on me by coming up with this gem of a strip. When all was said and done, it took me about twice as long to create seeing as it's extra long and I had never even attempted to draw anything Star Wars related before (there was much swearing at the tablet, let me tell you) but the end product is something I'm extremely proud of so thank you kindly, Marc :)

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to My roommate, Geoff, who was more than happy to provide me with dozens of Star Wars action figures for reference while I was tearing my hair out trying to draw this. Thanks Geoff!

New Comic: Dancing with the Death Stars

This comic is obviously inspired by the new Star Wars dance game (brought to you by the kinect), however it was written in its entirety by our good friend Marc Watson (@Marc_IRL on the twitters). Marc saw how terrible I am at writing comics and took pity on me by coming up with this gem of a strip. When all was said and done, it took me about twice as long to create seeing as it's extra long and I had never even attempted to draw anything Star Wars related before (there was much swearing at the tablet, let me tell you) but the end product is something I'm extremely proud of so thank you kindly, Marc :)

Also, I'd like to give a shout out to My roommate, Geoff, who was more than happy to provide me with dozens of Star Wars action figures for reference while I was tearing my hair out trying to draw this. Thanks Geoff!



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