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MegaCynics: It Begins (Mar 9, 2012)
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It Begins

In complete honesty, I do watch Hoarders. I watch just about every garbage reality TV show there is about people with strange, sad lives exactly for the reasons I say here in the comic, it makes me feel normal and healthy. I find that I don't have to pay much attention to any of these shows to get the gist of what's going on so they're perfect to have in the background while I'm working on comics (I work more efficiently when I have background noise). I wrote this comic because there have been a few times when I have worked all day (and I mean all day, from the time I get up to right before bed) and as luck would have it there would be a Hoarders marathon on... By the end of the day I'd be surrounded by plates, coffee cups, various food packaging, notes with comic ideas and papers with little drawing on them. My work desk slowly morphed into a Hoarded environment and it made me giggle.... right before I cleaned it up with a speed that'd give OCD people a run for their money. I guess if you're going to take anything from that show it's "Don't be a fucking Hoarder".

New Comic: It Begins

In complete honesty, I do watch Hoarders. I watch just about every garbage reality TV show there is about people with strange, sad lives exactly for the reasons I say here in the comic, it makes me feel normal and healthy. I find that I don't have to pay much attention to any of these shows to get the gist of what's going on so they're perfect to have in the background while I'm working on comics (I work more efficiently when I have background noise). I wrote this comic because there have been a few times when I have worked all day (and I mean all day, from the time I get up to right before bed) and as luck would have it there would be a Hoarders marathon on... By the end of the day I'd be surrounded by plates, coffee cups, various food packaging, notes with comic ideas and papers with little drawing on them. My work desk slowly morphed into a Hoarded environment and it made me giggle.... right before I cleaned it up with a speed that'd give OCD people a run for their money. I guess if you're going to take anything from that show it's "Don't be a fucking Hoarder".



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