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MegaCynics: It's a Regional Thing (Feb 22, 2012)
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It's a Regional Thing

So this comic idea was taken somewhat out of context. Steve did in fact have some Senators tickets that he needed to unload, not because he wouldn't go, but because he couldn't go. I have an ongoing joke that any hockey team that isn't *your* hockey team is the enemy, so when I heard of Steve's ticket plight, this is the first thing that popped into my head. enjoy :)

New Comic: It's a Regional Thing

So this comic idea was taken somewhat out of context. Steve did in fact have some Senators tickets that he needed to unload, not because he wouldn't go, but because he couldn't go. I have an ongoing joke that any hockey team that isn't *your* hockey team is the enemy, so when I heard of Steve's ticket plight, this is the first thing that popped into my head. enjoy :)



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