This comic is mostly fact. I do have a zombie themed running app coming out very soon which will hopefully get me out and really exercising again. There also was a time when my friends and I played DDR (very poorly) by sitting beside the dance pad and hitting the arrows individually by hand. We were very lazy back in the day. I seem to recall the rule was, whoever got to sit on the couch also had to use the broom to hit the forward arrow. The only thing that isn't true about this comic is the actual conversation between Matt and I. Enjoy :)
This comic is mostly fact. I do have a zombie themed running app coming out very soon which will hopefully get me out and really exercising again. There also was a time when my friends and I played DDR (very poorly) by sitting beside the dance pad and hitting the arrows individually by hand. We were very lazy back in the day. I seem to recall the rule was, whoever got to sit on the couch also had to use the broom to hit the forward arrow. The only thing that isn't true about this comic is the actual conversation between Matt and I. Enjoy :)