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MegaCynics: It's Okay, It's For Charity (Dec 7, 2011)
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It's Okay, It's For Charity

Well we don't know for sure that this is going to happen as the dinner is tomorrow night. However, I can say with all honesty that this is bloody likely to happen. Stay tuned, I'm sure we'll have an entertaining blog post about what Steve ended up bidding on and which famous people Ash proposed marriage to during the Child's Play Charity dinner.

New Comic: It's Okay, it's for Charity

Well we don't know for sure that this is going to happen as the dinner is tomorrow night. However, I can say with all honesty that this is bloody likely to happen. Stay tuned, I'm sure we'll have an entertaining blog post about what Steve ended up bidding on and which famous people Ash proposed marriage to during the Child's Play Charity dinner.



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