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MegaCynics: Judge Not (Nov 30, 2011)
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Judge Not

Not sure what to say about this comic. This joke has been stuck in the back of my head for years as I have taken part in my share of crash diets in my time. I always feel that no matter how many times people tell you that "you look great" and "you don't need to diet!" that they are secretly judging your progress no matter what. I've always wondered how they'd react if you just called their bluff right there in the restaurant...

New Comic: Judge Not

Not sure what to say about this comic. This joke has been stuck in the back of my head for years as I have taken part in my share of crash diets in my time. I always feel that no matter how many times people tell you that "you look great" and "you don't need to diet!" that they are secretly judging your progress no matter what. I've always wondered how they'd react if you just called their bluff right there in the restaurant...



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