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MegaCynics: It's Fantastic (Jun 10, 2011)
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It's Fantastic

Steve's comments:

Today's new comic is based on the many, many comic-worth events that happened during our epic Portal Road trip when I flew my plane across North America with Ash and Harrison to visit Valve, Penny Arcade, and Loading Ready Run. This one took place on the return trip, when I was flying only with Ash.

In actuality, we both wanted to listen to Aqua, and we both know all the words to the songs. So there.

New Comic: "It's Fantastic"

Today's new comic is based on the many, many comic-worth events that happened during our epic Portal Road trip when I flew my plane across North America with Ash and Harrison to visit Valve, Penny Arcade, and Loading Ready Run. This one took place on the return trip, when I was flying only with Ash.

In actuality, we both wanted to listen to Aqua, and we both know all the words to the songs. So there.



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