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MegaCynics: Crowdsourcing Blues (Apr 1, 2011)
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Crowdsourcing Blues

Steve's Comments:

We have a brand new comic for you, guest starring Double Fine's Tim Schafer and Irrational's Ken Levine. Although condensed a bit, this comic is based on a stream of tweets that actually happened. Pretty much word for word, in fact.

Now Tim and Ken are good people, and you will note that their role in this comic was pretty innocent. I'm clearly the bad guy here, so if (when?) you are offended by this comic, don't take it out on them.

Even though Tim was, basically, asking for it.

New Comic: Crowdsourcing Blues

Crowdsourcing BluesWe have a brand new comic for you, guest starring Double Fine's Tim Schafer and Irrational's Ken Levine. Although condensed a bit, this comic is based on a stream of tweets that actually happened. Pretty much word for word, in fact.

Now Tim and Ken are good people, and you will note that their role in this comic was pretty innocent. I'm clearly the bad guy here, so if (when?) you are offended by this comic, don't take it out on them.

Even though Tim was, basically, asking for it.



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